
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

woolly mammoths

hi guys so i didn't really know what to write about so i just picked


 woolly mammoths were herbivores , which means they eat only plants such as , grass, bushes, shrubs and they only drank water.

How did they become extinct: 

 scientists believe that the cause was humans hunting them for the meat and bones , and on top of that there was climate change.


 mammoths WERE about 9-11 feet tall and weighed up to 6 tons, they had two long curved tusks and one long trunk . They also had a lot of shaggy brown fur and short tails.


their habitat is known as the tundra steppe ,. this environment stretched across northern asia , many parts of europe and a part of north america during the ice age.

by mia 


  1. Hi Mia,

    Thanks for so much info on these extinct animals…humans can be very mean to lead a species to extinction!!!
    No, why did you choose this particular animal? Are you interested in sciences? In zoology? Or just worried about animal extinction? Have you read about it or watched some National Geographic episodes?
    Looking forward to your reply.
    Best wishes from Portugal,
    Teacher Alex / Mrs Duarte

    1. i chose the topic cause i just love animals and woolly mammoths

  2. Mia,
    I'm pretty interested in extinct animals too, but this week I just wrote about some crazy dreams I had. You can read them here:

  3. Dear Mia,
    I learned a lot about woolly mammoths. Before this I didn't know that much about them, but now I do. What is your favorite animal?
    You can come and reply at my blog at

  4. Hi Mia. My name is Abby, and I live in California, USA. I didn't know that wooly mammoths were 9-11 feet tall. They're huge! I personally have always kind of liked wooly mammoths. Did you know that some scientists have found a whole, completely intact wooly mammoth preserved in ice?
    Visit my blog at:

  5. yeah its so cool i love woolly mammoths too

  6. Hi Mia, My name is Bailey and I live in california. By reading this I learned alot of intresting facts about wooly mamoths, like how their habiat is known as the tundra steppe. Did you know that mammoths weighed about 6 tons?
    View my blog at:

  7. Hey Mia,
    It's Isla and I really enjoyed reading about the woolly mammoths because I didn't know much about them but now I know heaps. Thanks for all of the facts. I really like how you used the past tense and not the present tense because the woolly mammoths are now extinct. I will definitely be coming back to read more of your blogs posts again. Here is the link to my blog -
